Vivekananda Water Treatment Plant : An Appeal
Donations for
Vivekananda Water Treatment Plant
With the increasing demand for water supply and ever mounting cost of operation and steep rise of power tariffs, the maintenance of the water treatment plant is becoming very difficult for us in absence of any reserve fund for this purpose.

An Appeal
An Appeal
Dear Sir/Madam,
Hope you are aware that Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, District Howrah, West Bengal, the twin organizations have been rendering services to the society for more than a hundred years irrespective of caste, creed and religion and also for the spiritual regeneration of the humanity, following the dictum of Sri Ramakrishna-service to man is service to God’.
From this place, popularly known as the Belur Math, many welfare and service activities as well as spiritual activities for the common people, are being conducted. Thousands of devotees, admirers and visitors, visit the Math premises daily to pay obeisance to Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.
A water treatment plant, known as the ‘Vivekananda Water Treatment Plant’ was set up at Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, in December 2010. In the last 12 years of its commissioning, it has become a great boon, not only for the Belur Math and the various educational institutions run by it, but also for the local populace who are in dire need of clear and purified drinking water for their daily usage. It is our great satisfaction that from our plant we are able to supply fifteen lakhs litres of purified and potable water as per WHO standards daily to the local people free of cost. People of Bally, Belur, Liluah and the nearby localities are benefited through such supply of purified water.
From the beginning of putting the plant operational, the production and maintenance expenditures were borne by the Math collected from benevolent donors. With the increasing demand for supply of water and ever mounting cost of plant operation (maintaining 20 units:-1. SCADA Centre; 2. Chemical Lab; 3. Bacteriological Lab; 4. Transformer with H.T meter room; 5. Sluice Gate; 6. Over Head Reservoir; 7. Clear Water Reservoir; 8. Rapid Sand Gravity Type Four Filter Beds; 9. Clariflocculator; 10. Flash Mixer; 11. Parshall Flume; 12. Stilling Chamber; 13. Pontoon Type Pump Barge; 14. Pond Pump House; 15. Chemical House with Alum Bricks; 16. Chlorinator 17. Chlorine Gas Cylinders; 18. Polyelectrolytes unit; 19. Sludge Pump House and 20. Sedimentation Pond) and steep rise of power tariffs etc., the maintenance of the water treatment plant is becoming very difficult for us in absence of any reserve fund for the said purpose. In the last financial year i.e. 2022- 2023 itself, a huge expenditure has been incurred for its maintenance causing deficit of a large amount of money.
Under this backdrop, we approach you and through you to your friends to kindly help and participate in this project run by the Belur Math for the service of the humanity. We have firm faith and hope that you will come forward to help us in this endeavor with a positive response.
Invoking the blessings of Sri Ramakrishna Deva, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda for you and yours and thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Swami Suvirananda)
General Secretary
- Account payee cheques / demand drafts should be drawn in favour of Ramakrishna Math, Belur.
- Please do not forget to mention the following in the covering letter :
(b) Your PAN or Aadhaar number (for Indian donors, NRI donors);(a) Your full name, full postal address and email address (if any);
(d) Purpose of the donation : Maintenance of Vivekananda Water Treatment Plant(c) Your Passport Number / TIN number and citizenship (for foreign donors, OCI donors);